Giving Back
At New Earth Market we care about the community. As an independent, locally owned natural foods store, we support healthy lifestyles and healthy choices. We partner with small family farms, local food banks and everything in between.
Nickels for Charity
New Earth Market gives customers a nickel for each grocery bag they reuse at checkout. Starting in 2015, New Earth Market has offered customers the option to donate these nickels to local charities.
Customers who choose to donate will be given wooden nickels and the option of inserting them in a box for a local non-profit organizations. Reusing your grocery bags is now a win-win for the environment and these fantastic local charities.
To-date, our customers have donated over $50,000 to these local charities!

Chico Charities
North Valley Animal Disaster
Butte Humane Society
Butte County Search & Rescue

Yuba City Charities
Program Guidelines
Only non-profit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) organizations are eligible to participate.
A Request for Consideration must be submitted on official letterhead stationary of the organization or group.
Overly political or controversial causes will not be considered.
Past support of an organization is not a guarantee of future support.
Not all requests will be honored; priority and consideration is given to organizations in the immediate communities we serve that support Children, Animal, Environment and Social.
Request for Consideration
The following information must be included on the organization’s official letterhead stationery:
Name of organization
501(c)(3) Tax ID number
Mission statement Category (select one): Children / Animal / Environment / Social
Contact Name, Email and Phone
All requests for consideration must be emailed to

Fighting Food Insecurity
Chico Food Bank - Gleaners
New Earth Market is proud to partner locally with the Chico Gleaners to provide senior meals. Each year we donate about $20,000 in food to Gleaners, and they in-turn help over 4000 low income seniors annually!
Yuba City Food Bank - Mother Hubbard's Cupboard
New Earth Market is proud to partner locally with Mother Hubbard's Cupboard's Food Closet. Each year we donate about $20,000 in food to Mother Hubbard's Cupboard, and they in-turn, help over 8500 people and serve over 100,000 meals annually!
Thank you to our customers, and all the volunteers who make these donations possible
Organizations We Support
Donations & Fundraising
At New Earth Market, we are committed to our children, the community and the environment. We are actively involved in schools, promoting environmental groups and practices, contributing to charities, and educating our customers on organic and natural foods.
Community Support and Donation Program Guidelines​
For consideration, requests must be submitted at least six weeks prior to the event date or the date the donation is needed
Only non-profit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) organizations are eligible to receive donations
We do not donate to causes that are overly political or controversial
We do not donate to the same organization too frequently
Past support of an organization is not a guarantee of future support. We are unable to donate to individuals seeking pledges
We do not make monetary donations. Not all requests will be honored; priority and consideration is given to organizations in the immediate communities we serve that support our children, the community, and the environment
Due to the high volume of donation requests, and a limited budget, not all requests will be accommodated. Once all of your information has been received, we will contact you to move forward with any approved donation. The majority of donations are in the form of a gift basket, gift card or food donation.
Donation Request Form
Schedule a School Tour
New Earth Market offers a store tour for small groups of shoppers of all ages who are unfamiliar with what we’re all about and what we have to offer.
Upon booking a store tour, your group may customize the topics covered to suit individual needs and interests.
A typical store tour consists of groups of 20 or smaller and lasts 20-30 minutes.
To avoid traffic congestion in our stores, tours typically begin at 9am.
We ask that tours are booked at least 10 days in advance.
Our educated staff will guide your group though the departments of New Earth Market and talk about topics important to our stores and different products we carry.
Everyone in the group will have a chance to try some of the products we carry and ask questions.
Store tours are a lot of fun and a great way to introduce your group into the world of organic and non-GMO foods and products!